welcy welcy made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou
Welcome to my blog! Please use the toolbar above to navigate this site. Feel free to visit my Interactive Teacher E-Portfolio Prezume. Enjoy!


BrainPOP® creates animated, curricular
content that engages students, supports
 educators, and bolsters achievement.
Click here for science videos,
activities, games, lesson ideas,
word walls, and quizzes.
GameUp™, a free educational games
portal for the classroom.
Click to access the science games.

Want to know about how our world and all
 the things in it work? This site
 looks at materials, energy, light
and sound, humans, plants and
animals in interactives.

In these interactives, use your hands,
feet, eyes, ears, brain, imagination and
cool tools to experiment, design,
test and discover amazing things
about the world around you.
It's science and it's fun!

Explore atoms & forces, earth & sky, life,
tech & math, and humans & health
in this up-to-date
student-friendly publication. 

Find experiments to do at home or in the
classroom, printable episode guides,
and other fun information.

This site offers resources to learn more,
corrections to common misconceptions,
and the answers to frequently asked
questions. A great deal of lessons and
information on teaching science.

Foster deeper engagement and opportunities
for students to take charge of their
own learning with high quality,
engaging, relevant tools designed for
today’s busy teachers and parents.
Explore programs and contests,
interactive games, puzzles, lesson plans,
videos and more.

Click on "Choose an Activity" to go to
interactive games and simulations from weather
to simple machines to virtual knee replacement surgery.

NASA Education for Students:
Find the grade level on the left hand side.

Featured Websites Grades K-4

Featured Websites Grades 5-8

Featured Websites Grades 9-12

Explore fun facts, videos, and pictures.
Do activities, read books, and color.
Play games, puzzles, and quizzes.
Navigate between the tabs of Space, Sun,
Earth, Solar System, and People & Technology.

E is for EXPLORE is a one stop resource for
teachers and parents. They scour the internet for you to
 find amazing learning opportunities.
They also develop their own activities.

Learn.Genetics delivers educational materials
on genetics, bioscience and health topics.
They are designed to be used by
 students, teachers and members of the public.
The materials meet selected US
education standards for science and health. 

Teach.Genetics provides resources for
K-12 teachers, higher education faculty, and
public educators. These include
PDF-based Print-and-Go™ activities,
unit plans and other supporting resources.
The materials are designed
to support and extend the materials on

A series of short science experiments and activities
to encourage hands-on problem solving with
common household items.