As a part of the Upper Elementary Language Arts Instruction course for my Early Childhood Generalist 4-5 Endorsement Class, I have been reading a wonderful text by Gail E. Tompkins titled Literacy in the Middle Grades: Teaching Reading and Writing to Fourth Through Eighth Graders.
I had the luxury of being able to buy it cheaper as an e-book through CourseSmart. Feel free to check out their website I find that for an online course, an e-textbook makes perfect sense. I feel as though I am exercising my own digital literacy when I read an e-book. The search feature, table of contents, and bookmarking features are very helpful. The website also allows me to highlight, write notes, and copy the text. I am also allowed unlimited printing of my textbook!
While reading the text, I came across a wonderful list of Online Publication Sites that I have shared below. Also, head over to my list of Web 2.0 tools to find other ways to create and showcase student work. Enjoy!
Cyber Kids
www.cyberkids.comThis site publishes original writing by 10- to 14-year-olds, including multimodal stories.
KidsWWwrite’ stories and poems are published in this e-zine.
Stories From the Web
This website accepts submissions of students’ stories, play scripts, poems, raps, and songs.